
Puch vz50 wiring diagram
Puch vz50 wiring diagram

puch vz50 wiring diagram

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puch vz50 wiring diagram

I know I dont need a new stator, it works perfectly and now I know how to wire it correctly. These 5 wires actually had a few diagrams with this exact stator (with blue/green dot wire and 3 wires on condenser) showing it on the puch dart and puch AD as well. These 5-wire stators came on later model maxi LS, like 84-85's and the diagram I found for the maxi LS/cobra from the 1980-1984 shop manual works perfectly. Look how there's 3 wires to the condenser in my photos in the first post and only 2 in the photo you posted. I saw you post this previously on forums where people were looking for this exact stator wiring diagram. And if it is, and it just does not appear to be, maybe instead of telling me to figure it out using old diagrams (which i have done, unsuccessfully) maybe explain to me what is for what circuit to help me understand? Cus ya know, that's how we all get better. Please don't tell me it's the same as previous years cus clearly it's not. Maybe 10 years later someone took the time to figure it out? i dont wanna be that guy cus i dont understand electrical for shit lol but I'm trying and willing to learn!! Please help! I have seen a couple old threads (like 2008-09) where people had the same confusion with their 85 maxi, but there was no resolution there. For instance, this stator doesn't have the grey wire we all know and love. I think I had that all wired right, but it is obviously a change from earlier model wiring which used 6 wires and only had 2 on the coil.

puch vz50 wiring diagram

In the photos below, coming from the condenser I have black wire going to larger coil on top, black wire going to points, blue wire to ignition coil. The thing I have not seen on any wiring diagram (aside from the wire that is blue w/ green dots) is there are 3 wires on the condenser. Here's what i got from the 5- wire stator (pics to come)īlue w/ Green dots (not even connected to anything) I got this maxi 4 years ago and have had the wiring mickey-moused the whole time.

Puch vz50 wiring diagram